The Top 5 Ways to Power Business Performance with 5G

This whitepaper looks at how businesses can fuel greater performance with connectivity, by focusing on 5G. It begins with some of the more straightforward applications of 5G – before counting down to some of the more exciting, future-facing possibilities.

Founded in 2003 as the UK’s pioneer 3G-only network, Three established itself as a distinctive player in the telecommunications industry. Today, Three has evolved into a connectivity powerhouse, linking people to people, people to devices, and devices to other devices, serving a customer base of 10.5 million users. Our network now blankets 99% of the UK population, handling a significant 29% share of the country’s mobile data traffic. In August 2019, Three ushered in the era of 5G connectivity, becoming the UK’s largest spectrum holder and gaining recognition from Ookla for boasting the fastest 5G network in the nation. Additionally, it stands alone as the sole operator capable of meeting the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) 2020 standard, which mandates 100MHz of contiguous spectrum for comprehensive 5G services.

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